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Lil Stinkers

Jul 29, 2022

This dead-eyed psycho killed at least seven and possibly hundreds more victims. He flew between coasts, using fake names, his fine arts degree and a dastardly motivation to dupe the unsuspecting, which included casting directors on The Dating Game.

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Jul 22, 2022

We made history on this episode. This was the very first bad bitch that I did not fall in love with. I can overlook a lot of things, but killing an estimated 400 babies is a dealbreaker for me. This nightmare lady was buying babies from poor English women, strangling them, then throwing them into the River Thames...

Jul 15, 2022

We get into one of the most terrifying people to ever walk the planet, Dennis Rader aka BTK. This Lil Stinker terrorized Wichita for three decades, referred to his bird as Sparky and would rent motel rooms by himself just so he could dress up like a lady and tie himself up. You think Jake is a sick freak, just wait'll...

Jul 8, 2022

This 4'9" goofball killed and ate a lady and never did a single day in prison for it. He spent his days writing disgusting books and appearing in adult movies that no one asked for. On top of all this, we find out that Cal DonJolla is rock hard and leaking some serious smeg in anticipation of the new Minions...

Jul 1, 2022

This barbering bad boy sucked back vodka like it was coming from a candy tiddy. He'd often employ the services of sex workers to get hammered with him and once they were passed out, he'd dump vodka down their throats until they died. This rascal also threatened airlines and wore disguises to the hospital after he'd...